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Query a data set (GET)

Query a data set using a GET request, returning the filtered results.

Note that there is a POST variant of this endpoint which provides a more complete set of querying functionality. The GET variant is only recommended for initial exploratory testing or simple queries that do not need advanced functionality.

Unlike the POST variant, this endpoint does not allow condition clauses (and, or, not) and consequently cannot express more complex queries. Use the POST variant instead for these types of queries.


The indicators query parameter is required and at least one indicator must be specified.

Each indicator should be a string containing the indicator ID e.g. 4xbOu, 8g1RI.


The filters query parameter is used to filter by other filter options (not locations, geographic levels or time periods).

Each filter should be a string containing the required filter option ID e.g. z4FQE, DcQeg.

Geographic levels

The geographicLevels query parameter is used to filter results by geographic level.

The geographic levels are specified as codes, and can be one of the following:

  • EDA - English devolved area
  • INST - Institution
  • LA - Local authority
  • LAD - Local authority district
  • LEP - Local enterprise partnership
  • LSIP - Local skills improvement plan area
  • MCA - Mayoral combined authority
  • MAT - MAT
  • NAT - National
  • OA - Opportunity area
  • PA - Planning area
  • PCON - Parliamentary constituency
  • PROV - Provider
  • REG - Regional
  • RSC - RSC region
  • SCH - School
  • SPON - Sponsor
  • WARD - Ward


The locations query parameter is used to filter results by location.

The locations should be strings formatted like {level}|{property}|{value} where:

  • {level} is the location’s level code (e.g. NAT, REG, LA)
  • {property} is the name of the identifying property to match on (e.g. id,code,urn`)
  • {value} is the value for the property to match

An ID or a code can be used to identify a location, with the following differences:

  • IDs only match a single location
  • Codes may match multiple locations

Whilst codes are generally unique to a single location, they can be used for multiple locations. This may match more results than you expect so it’s recommended to use IDs where possible.


  • LA|code|E08000019 matches any local authority with code E08000019
  • REG|id|6bQgZ matches any region with ID 6bQgZ
  • SCH|urn|140821 matches any school with URN 140821

Time periods

The timePeriods query parameter is used to filter results by time period.

The time periods should be strings formatted like {period}|{code} where:

  • period is the time period or range (e.g. 2020 or 2020/2021)
  • code is the code identifying the time period type (e.g. AY, CY, M1, W20)

The period should be a single year like 2020, or a range like 2020/2021. Currently, only years (or year ranges) are supported.

Some time period types span two years e.g. financial year part 2 (P2), or may fall in a latter year e.g. academic year summer term (T3). For these types, a singular year period like 2020 is considered as 2020/2021.

For example, a period value of 2020 is applicable to the following time periods:

  • 2020 calendar year
  • 2020/2021 academic year
  • 2020/2021 financial year part 2 (October to March)
  • 2020/2021 academic year’s summer term

If you wish to be more explicit, you may use a range for the period e.g. 2020/2021. However, a range cannot be used with time period types which only span a single year, for example, 2020/21 cannot be used with CY, M or W codes.


  • 2020|AY is the 2020/21 academic year
  • 2021|FY is the 2021/22 financial year
  • 2020|T3 is the 2020/21 academic year’s summer term
  • 2020|P2 is the 2020/21 financial year part 2 (October to March)
  • 2020|CY is the 2020 calendar year
  • 2020|W32 is 2020 week 32
  • 2020/2021|AY is the 2020/21 academic year
  • 2021/2022|FY is the 2021/22 financial year


The sorts query parameter is used to sort the results.

Sorts are applied in the order they are provided and should be strings formatted like {field}|{direction} where:

  • field is the name of the field to sort e.g. timePeriod
  • direction is the direction to sort in e.g. ascending (Asc) or descending (Desc)

The field can be one of the following:

  • timePeriod to sort by time period
  • geographicLevel to sort by the geographic level of the data
  • location|{level} to sort by locations in a geographic level where {level} is the level code (e.g. REG, LA)
  • filter|{id} to sort by the options in a filter where {id} is the filter ID (e.g. 3RxWP)
  • indicator|{id} to sort by the values in a indicator where {id} is the indicator ID (e.g. 6VfPgZ)


  • timePeriod|Desc sorts by time period in descending order
  • geographicLevel|Asc sorts by geographic level in ascending order
  • location|REG|Asc sorts by regions in ascending order
  • filter|3RxWP|Desc sorts by options in filter 3RxWP in descending order
  • indicator|7a1dk|Asc sorts by values in indicator 7a1dk in ascending order

The URL for this endpoint is:



Path parameters

The following parameters will need to be substituted into the URL path.

Parameter Type Required Description
dataSetId string true

The ID of the data set.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
dataSetVersion string false

The data set version e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, etc. Wildcard versions are supported. For example, 2.* returns the latest minor version in the v2 series. array (string) false

Filter the results to have a filter option matching at least one of these IDs.

filters.notIn array (string) false

Filter the results to not have a filter option matching any of these IDs.

filters.eq string false

Filter the results to have a filter option matching this ID.

filters.notEq string false

Filter the results to not have a filter option matching this ID. array (GeographicLevelCode) false

Filter the results to be in one of these geographic levels.

geographicLevels.notIn array (GeographicLevelCode) false

Filter the results to not be in one of these geographic levels.

geographicLevels.eq GeographicLevelCode false

Filter the results to be in this geographic level.

geographicLevels.notEq GeographicLevelCode false

Filter the results to not be in this geographic level.

locations.eq string false

Filter the results to be in this location.

locations.notEq string false

Filter the results to not be in this location. array (string) false

Filter the results to be in one of these locations.

locations.notIn array (string) false

Filter the results not to be in one of these locations.

timePeriods.eq string false

Filter the results to be in this time period.

timePeriods.notEq string false

Filter the results to not be in this time period. array (string) false

Filter the results to be in one of these time periods.

timePeriods.notIn array (string) false

Filter the results to not be in one of these time periods. string false

Filter the results to be in a time period that is chronologically greater than the one specified.

timePeriods.gte string false

Filter the results to be in a time period that is chronologically greater than or equal to the one specified. string false

Filter the results to be in a time period that is chronologically less than the one specified.

timePeriods.lte string false

Filter the results to be in a time period that is chronologically less than or equal to the one specified.

indicators array (string) true

The IDs of indicators to return values for.

sorts array (string) false

The sorts to apply to the results. Sorts at the start of the list will be applied first.

By default, results are sorted by time period in descending order.

debug boolean false

Enable debug mode. Results will be formatted with human-readable labels to assist in identification.

This should not be enabled in a production environment.

page integer false

The page of results to fetch.

Defaults to: 1

Validation constraints:

  • Format: int32

  • Minimum: 1

pageSize integer false

The maximum number of results per page.

Defaults to: 1000

Validation constraints:

  • Format: int32

  • Minimum: 1

  • Maximum: 10000

Example request

To illustrate how to use this API endpoint, we have provided some samples below in various languages.


curl -X GET{dataSetId}/query


const url = '{dataSetId}/query';

const response = await fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',



import requests

url = '{dataSetId}/query'

response = requests.get(url)




url <- "{dataSetId}/query"

response <- GET(url)

output <- content(response)


Status Description Media Type Schema

The paginated list of query results.

application/json DataSetQueryPaginatedResultsViewModel

Bad Request

application/json ValidationProblemViewModel


application/json ProblemDetailsViewModel

Not Found

application/json ProblemDetailsViewModel

Example successful response

  "paging": {
    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "totalResults": 60,
    "totalPages": 3
  "results": [
      "timePeriod": {
        "code": "AYQ1",
        "period": "2020/2021"
      "geographicLevel": "NAT",
      "locations": {
        "NAT": "04bTr",
        "REG": "4veOu",
        "LA": "owqlK"
      "filters": {
        "ups2K": "n0WqP",
        "j51wV": "AnZsi",
        "hAkBQ": "dvB4z"
      "values": {
        "wLcft": "23593018",
        "4S8Ou": "50.342",
        "9kVFg": "25369172"
  "warnings": [
      "message": "There are no results.",
      "path": "results",
      "code": "NoResults",
      "detail": {
        "total": 0
This page was last reviewed on 15 November 2024.