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Provides high-level information about a data set.


Property Type Required Description
id string true

The ID of the data set.

title string true

The title of the data set.

summary string true

A summary of the data set’s contents.

status DataSetStatus true

The status of the data set. Can be one of the following:

  • Published - the data set has been published and will receive updates
  • Deprecated - the data set is being discontinued and will no longer receive updates
  • Withdrawn - the data set has been withdrawn and can no longer be used
supersedingDataSetId string false

The ID of the data set that supersedes this data set (if it has been deprecated).

latestVersion DataSetLatestVersionViewModel true

The latest published data set version.

Example schema

  "id": "7588c2d6-9e8a-4d84-8f19-6b8d52a01fbd",
  "title": "Absence rates by geographic level",
  "summary": "Absence information for all enrolments in schools.",
  "status": "Published",
  "supersedingDataSetId": "2118a6df-4934-4a1f-ad2e-4589d2b9ccaf",
  "latestVersion": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "published": "2024-03-01T09:30:00+00:00",
    "totalResults": 1000000,
    "file": {
      "id": "e0754872-3206-4918-aad4-029eaaae191f"
    "timePeriods": {
      "start": "2024 January",
      "end": "2024 December"
    "geographicLevels": [
      "Local authority"
    "filters": [
      "School type"
    "indicators": [
This page was last reviewed on 15 November 2024.